Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Part 2...

"Because", we all make our own reality. So, the next time you hear somebody throw around the term racist, or bigot, or anything else idiotic like that, remember how your dick is in the wind. Also, Remeber that one man's unfortunate wet accident is another's wet dream. We know who WE are. We know that WE are, for the most part and certainly sans me, good honest people getting by in a world that is as cruel to us as it is to anybody else. We know that WE aren't what some guy who has just enough sense to pick a direction to piss but not enough to watch where the wind blows says we are.

So, my dear friends, keep it dry, keep it sane, and ignore anybody who calls you those kinds of terms because ultimately its just proof they live in a fantasy world, or worse yet, are just mean spirited deceitful people who aren't worth our time anyways, and certainly not our spare set of pants.

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